
Reporting unethical behaviour

Relais Group is committed to conduct business in an ethical manner and according to applicable laws, regulations, our Ethical Business Principles and our company values.

We want to prevent and correct unethical behaviour and for this reason, we encourage all Relais Group’s employees, business associates and stakeholders to report any suspected fraudulent or unethical behaviour.

Relais Group’s whistleblowing channel

We provide an external whistleblowing channel to our employees, business associates and any person affiliated with Relais Group to report suspicions of misconduct. The whistleblowing channel can be used to inform about a concern regarding suspected misconduct or unethical behaviour, such as frauds, corruption, bullying or dishonest activity or behaviour. The whistleblowing channel should not be used for customer complaints.

Our whistleblowing channel is completely distinct from Relais’ IT systems and it is provided by an external partner WhistleB, Whistleblowing Centre, to ensure anonymity. The communication channel is encrypted and password-protected.

Any concern or issue reported will be treated seriously, fairly, and promptly. Relais Group will handle enquiries discreetly and confidentially.

The whistleblowing channel is available online in 6 languages. You can create a report here.

Learn more about whistleblowing at Relais Group (link PDF)