Internal auditing and control

The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for internal auditing. Internal auditing is carried out by an auditing firm approved by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office, appointed by the Board of Directors. The auditing firm conducting internal audit cannot be the auditing firm as the one performing the company’s audit. 

The goal of internal audit is to evaluate and verify risk management, internal control and the effectiveness of management and administration. The internal audit is carried out according to the audit plan approved by the board annually, as well as when necessary, and if necessary if circumstances supporting the need for an audit arise.

The task of internal control is to support and ensure the achievement of set targets, the economic and efficient use of resources, and the management of operational risks. Likewise, its task is to ensure the reliability and correctness of financial and other management information, as well as the compliance with laws, strategies, compliance with plans, internal rules, and procedures.

Internal control includes any financial and other control implemented by the board, CEO, and other personnel. An important tool in internal control is the key controls related to the processes, the implementation, development, and maintenance of which is supported by the group’s financial administration, which also defines the minimum level of controls. Other tools of internal control are monthly results reports, analyzes and forecasts, which the Company’s Board discusses in its meetings.