Corporate Governance
Relais Group Plc is a Finnish public limited company. The obligations and the responsibilities of its decision-making bodies are governed by Finnish law. The Relais Group comprises the parent company Relais Group Plc and its subsidiaries. The Company is domiciled in Helsinki.
The highest decision-making authority rests with the Annual General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders. The shareholders elect the members of the Board of Directors and the auditor of the Company at the Annual General Meeting.
The day-to-day operations of the Relais Group are managed by the Board of Directors and the CEO. The Company operates according to a single-tier administrative model. In its decision-making and corporate governance, Relais complies with the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act, other rules concerning listed companies, Relais’ Articles of Association, and the rules and regulations issued by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. The Company complies with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code approved by the Securities Market Association on September 19, 2019, effective as of January 1, 2020 with deviations with respect to the Board of Directors not having established committees (Recommendations 14–18) and the shareholders not having established a Shareholders’ Nomination Board (Recommendation 19). Having evaluated the establishment of the committees, the Board of Directors has concluded that, taking into account the size of the Board of Directors and the Company’s stage of development, the tasks of the committees are most appropriately handled by the entire Board of Directors. In its charter, the Board of Directors has assigned its members areas of responsibility that support this goal. The Company’s shareholders evaluate the need for a Shareholders’ Nomination Board every year and, if necessary, will make a proposal to the General Meeting.
The full Corporate Governance Code is available at