Related party transactions
Relais’ related parties consist of persons holding Board of Directors and managerial positions in the Company, as well as their closely related parties, who all have an obligation to notify the Financial Supervisory Authority and the Company of any transactions they have conducted on their own account involving the Company’s shares, or debt instruments, or related derivatives, or other financial instruments. The Company is to disclose information on the transactions of persons holding managerial positions and their closely related parties without delay and no later than within three (3) working days of the transaction. Such disclosure is to be made in a stock exchange release in a manner that corresponds to the disclosure of insider information, using the release class ‘Management transactions’. A stock exchange release on disclosed information concerning management transactions is available on the Company’s website for at least five years from the publication of the release.
The Company is to assess and monitor transactions carried out with related parties and ensure that any conflicts of interest are appropriately considered in the Company’s decision-making. The Company is to maintain a list of related parties in its finance administration.
The Company provides information on related party transactions according to the Limited Liability Companies Act and regulations governing the preparation of the financial statements in the review by the Board of Directors and notes to the financial statements.